What is the purpose of advertising in the planned economy, which seems to be free of any competition for sales? This dissertation project examines this fundamental question on the basis of the determination of individual phases in the development of domestic trade advertising in the GDR between 1948, when the trade organisation was founded and the currency reform took place, and 1975, when advertising ceased to exist. The project is particularly interested in the interrelations between the development of advertising and political and economic changes in the GDR. By investigating professional and governmental discourses, the study also aims to investigate how the focus of advertising has changed over the course of time. In general, the role of advertising in socialism consisted of a triad of economic consumption management, education in socialist living and consumption habits, and political-ideological influence.
Associated PhD project
Beginn des Projektes
September 2018

<p>Elke Sieber</p>
Elke Sieber
Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam
Email: sieber [at] zzf-potsdam.de
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam
Email: sieber [at] zzf-potsdam.de