Public History | Completed Projects


Overview of all completed PH projects, including exhibitions and audio walks, including the practical projects of the Public History Master's program carried out at the ZZF. 

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed digital resource

Students on the Master's programme in Public History (FU/ZZF) have developed an audio walk through Berlin's Volkspark Friedrichhain under the direction of Irmgard Zündorf.

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed digital resource

Four students of the Master Public History programme (FU Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) and a two-person film team from the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe preserved and digitised the unique history of the GDR History Museum in this completed documentation and interview project. The aim of the project was a virtual tour of the museum.

Anja Tack, Irmgard Zündorf, Jürgen Danyel
Completed exhibition project

The aim of the project was to present the first research results on the history of the site Bogensee in an online exhibition. Under the title "BOGENSEE. A historical tour of the place", current 360° photographs shoud provide a glimpse into the buildings that are no longer accessible today.

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed digital resource

Within the framework of the project, East and West German print media, contributions from news broadcasts as well as feature films and documentaries from 1961-1962 were evaluated. The material for the DVD was then selected and background information compiled.

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed exhibition project

In der Ausstellung wurden die Hintergründe der Verhaftungen von sieben jungen Frauen und Männern aus Werder (Havel) beleuchtet. 

Dominik Juhnke
Completed associated research project

At an international conference in Berlin, various research projects on the history of the "Stolpersteine" were discussed.

Completed exhibition project

The exhibition (May 12 - November 9, 2016 in Museum Barnim Panorama, Wandlitz) provided insights into the political style and lifestyle of the GDR’s leadership elite and documented the consequences for the region of the forest settlement and the security regime associated with it.

Arne Lindemann
Completed associated PhD project

Using an extensive body of exhibition photos, this project analysed the depiction of prehistory in museums of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR as well as discourses that led to the alteration or persistence of conceptions of history.

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed exhibition project

The virtual exhibition designed and implemented by students of Master Public History (Free University Berlin/ZZF Potsdam) tells ‘history with stories’. Short biographies provide an insight into the careers of senior personnel from both German interior ministries. It is closely intertwined with the thematic focal points, offers a multifaceted approach and brings historical processes to life.

Irmgard Zündorf
Completed exhibition project

The new permanent exhibition has been showing an overview of central themes of everyday life and its contexts. These range from "work" to "home" to the "socialist way of life" by means of numerous objects, photographs and documents.