Zeitgeschichte digital

With Contemporary History Digital (Zeitgeschichte digital, www.zeitgeschichte-digital.de), the ZZF develops its own digital research infrastructure for contemporary history. It opens up the online projects developed and editorially supervised at the institute and consolidates them with a wealth of digital resources under one roof. The platform offers centralised access to its entire programme: all entries are searchable with the help of a comprehensive subject classification. Specialised repositories for research data and retro-digitalised publications are also component parts of the portal.



Bildunterschrift und Copyright

Bildunterschrift und Copyright


Jürgen Danyel, Annette Schuhmann

The platform ‘Zeitgeschichte-online’ exists since January 2004. It aims to address historians, students of the humanities and similar courses and a wider public interested in contemporary history.

With our texts, we seek to place current events and public debates within their historic context. We observe how contemporary history is handled in the media and the public, and reflect the change in remembrance. Furthermore, we offer an up-to-date perspective on new approaches and current debates of contemporary history studies. Our main focus lies on Europe, nevertheless we are considering aspects from outside Europe.

Photographers of the Hungarian magazine »Képes 7«, 1986
(Archiv Imre Benkő)

Studies in Contemporary History

Jürgen Danyel, Jan-Holger Kirsch

„Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History” (ZF/SCH) is a peer-review journal on questions of contemporary history with a German, European and global outlook.

Screenshot of the website docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, Photo: Christine Bartlitz

Definitions, Methods, and Debates in Contemporary History

Christine Bartlitz, Karsten Borgmann, Jürgen Danyel

Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte provides basic knowledge in the field of contemporary history for a wider public. The open-access online reference work enables readers to remain informed about research trends, subjects, controversies, theories and methods in contemporary history.

Screenshot der Webseite Visual History, Foto: Christine Bartlitz

Visual History
Online Repository for Historical Visual Research

Christine Bartlitz, Karsten Borgmann

The online repository visual-history.de, hosted by the ZZF, serves as a platform for historical research on visual sources and phenomena. It provides up-to-date insights into the growing community of visual historians and their activities, and supports the formation of professional networks.

Poster of the exhibition "Abschied von Ikarus. Bildwelten in der DDR - neu gesehen", 2012/13.

Online Picture Atlas: Art in the GDR

Jürgen Danyel, Thomas Schaarschmidt

Academic insights into the special function of the arts for society in the GDR prove to be essential for an analytic understanding of the whole state socialist system of rule and society. Within the programme ‘Übersetzungsfunktion der Geisteswissenschaften’ (translation function of the humanities) the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has funded the joint project ‘Picture atlas: Art in the GDR’ since March 1 2009, for a period of three years.

The website Presseportal.zzf-pdm.de. Foto: Marion Schlöttke.

Online Portal on the East German Press

Jürgen Danyel

The complete texts of the three daily newspapers Neues Deutschland, Berliner Zeitung and Neue Zeit have been digitalised and made available for the period since their first appearance until 1990 and 1994 (Neue Zeit), respectively.

© Open Memory Box

Open Memory Box

Project in cooperation with Altofilm AB, Université de Montreal and the research association "The media heritage of the GDR" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project manager at ZZF: Olaf Berg

The Open Memory Box is a collection of digitized private narrow films from the former GDR. The recordings capture special moments such as family celebrations, holidays or marriage and scenes from the everyday life of GDR citizens, but also document the private individuals' view of public events such as parades and holidays.

Website zbooks - Sceenshot


Christine Bartlitz

A Publication Platform for eBooks in Open Access Gold
zdbooks (together with Frederike Heinitz and Caroline Boisten)

Screenshot of the website.

Multi-media Documentation of the History of the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1990
www.chronik-der-mauer.de and Smartphone/iPad-App „The Berlin Wall“

Long-term Cooperation Project of the Center for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF), the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb) and German Radio (Deutschlandradio)

Managing Editorial Board:
Project managers:  Hanno Hochmuth, Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam (bis 2019 Hans-Hermann Hertle, ZZF);
Sabine Berthold/Thorsten Schilling, Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn; Boris Bittner/Egbert Meyer, German Radio (Deutschlandradio), Berlin/Köln
Editor: Sonja Hugi | English translation: Timothy Jones

Zeitgeschichte digital

With Contemporary History Digital (Zeitgeschichte digital, www.zeitgeschichte-digital.de), the ZZF develops its own digital research infrastructure for contemporary history. It opens up the online projects developed and editorially supervised at the institute and consolidates them with a wealth of digital resources under one roof. The platform offers centralised access to its entire programme: all entries are searchable with the help of a comprehensive subject classification. Specialised repositories for research data and retro-digitalised publications are also component parts of the portal.



Bildunterschrift und Copyright

Bildunterschrift und Copyright


Jürgen Danyel, Annette Schuhmann

The platform ‘Zeitgeschichte-online’ exists since January 2004. It aims to address historians, students of the humanities and similar courses and a wider public interested in contemporary history.

With our texts, we seek to place current events and public debates within their historic context. We observe how contemporary history is handled in the media and the public, and reflect the change in remembrance. Furthermore, we offer an up-to-date perspective on new approaches and current debates of contemporary history studies. Our main focus lies on Europe, nevertheless we are considering aspects from outside Europe.

Photographers of the Hungarian magazine »Képes 7«, 1986
(Archiv Imre Benkő)

Studies in Contemporary History

Jürgen Danyel, Jan-Holger Kirsch

„Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History” (ZF/SCH) is a peer-review journal on questions of contemporary history with a German, European and global outlook.

Screenshot of the website docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, Photo: Christine Bartlitz

Definitions, Methods, and Debates in Contemporary History

Christine Bartlitz, Karsten Borgmann, Jürgen Danyel

Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte provides basic knowledge in the field of contemporary history for a wider public. The open-access online reference work enables readers to remain informed about research trends, subjects, controversies, theories and methods in contemporary history.

Screenshot der Webseite Visual History, Foto: Christine Bartlitz

Visual History
Online Repository for Historical Visual Research

Christine Bartlitz, Karsten Borgmann

The online repository visual-history.de, hosted by the ZZF, serves as a platform for historical research on visual sources and phenomena. It provides up-to-date insights into the growing community of visual historians and their activities, and supports the formation of professional networks.

Poster of the exhibition "Abschied von Ikarus. Bildwelten in der DDR - neu gesehen", 2012/13.

Online Picture Atlas: Art in the GDR

Jürgen Danyel, Thomas Schaarschmidt

Academic insights into the special function of the arts for society in the GDR prove to be essential for an analytic understanding of the whole state socialist system of rule and society. Within the programme ‘Übersetzungsfunktion der Geisteswissenschaften’ (translation function of the humanities) the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has funded the joint project ‘Picture atlas: Art in the GDR’ since March 1 2009, for a period of three years.

The website Presseportal.zzf-pdm.de. Foto: Marion Schlöttke.

Online Portal on the East German Press

Jürgen Danyel

The complete texts of the three daily newspapers Neues Deutschland, Berliner Zeitung and Neue Zeit have been digitalised and made available for the period since their first appearance until 1990 and 1994 (Neue Zeit), respectively.

© Open Memory Box

Open Memory Box

Project in cooperation with Altofilm AB, Université de Montreal and the research association "The media heritage of the GDR" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project manager at ZZF: Olaf Berg

The Open Memory Box is a collection of digitized private narrow films from the former GDR. The recordings capture special moments such as family celebrations, holidays or marriage and scenes from the everyday life of GDR citizens, but also document the private individuals' view of public events such as parades and holidays.

Website zbooks - Sceenshot


Christine Bartlitz

A Publication Platform for eBooks in Open Access Gold
zdbooks (together with Frederike Heinitz and Caroline Boisten)

Screenshot of the website.

Multi-media Documentation of the History of the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1990
www.chronik-der-mauer.de and Smartphone/iPad-App „The Berlin Wall“

Long-term Cooperation Project of the Center for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF), the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb) and German Radio (Deutschlandradio)

Managing Editorial Board:
Project managers:  Hanno Hochmuth, Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam (bis 2019 Hans-Hermann Hertle, ZZF);
Sabine Berthold/Thorsten Schilling, Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn; Boris Bittner/Egbert Meyer, German Radio (Deutschlandradio), Berlin/Köln
Editor: Sonja Hugi | English translation: Timothy Jones